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Glass Partition – Your Glass Wall Installers 

At Glass Partition, we are glass wall installers with over 35 years of experience. We work all over the UK in offices, homes and industrial spaces to install top-quality glass partitions.  

Glass Wall Installers – Office Glass Partitions 

Glass walls are particularly popular in office settings. They allow natural light to flow through the office while reducing noise levels and providing a level of privacy that wouldn’t be achieved in an open-plan office.

Boardrooms – Glass boardrooms have been around for years and are still very popular. The use of acoustic glass allows an open plan feeling without the loss of audible privacy.Glass boardrooms also offer the “wow” factor for guests visiting the premises. With branded films available, you can really make your glass boardroom your own. 

Corner rooms – If you want to create a breakout room without impacting the space too much, a glass corner room would be a great way to utilise the existing space. These rooms use two glass walls in the corner of an existing room. 

Glass Partitions with doors – If you are using glass partitions to build a room, then you will also require a door. We have several options when it comes to integrating a door into your partition: single/double glazed, sliding doors, framed aluminium, metal framed doors, frameless glass, and automatic doors. 

Glass Wall Installers – For the Home 

Although not as popular as office spaces, glass walls and partitions are used in the home more than ever before. They are particularly used in places like bathrooms and kitchens because they allow natural light into an area whilst keeping the area separate. 

Bathrooms – Glass Partitions can be used to create an ensuite area. Manifestations can be added to increase visual privacy whilst allowing natural light to flow. 

Kitchens /open-plan living – If you live in an open-plan layout, you may like to add a dividing wall between your main living space and your kitchen. A glass partition is often the best idea to maintain natural light. For a modern look, our clients often request glass with a Crittal effect. This can be more in keeping with the atmosphere of the kitchen rather than a plain glass panel. 

Glass Partition – Your Glass Wall Installers 

At Glass Partition, we specialise in installing internal glass walls in homes, offices, and other buildings. If you have a project and you’re looking for a glass wall installer, contact our team today

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    Contact our Glass Partitioning experts, a division of Tapper Interiors and a business that’s been supplying glass partitioning for 35 years.  All prices include supply & fit  Get a free instant quote for your project  UK-wide coverage

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